2011年11月23日 星期三

fution evolution


華廈中庭9座墳 住戶尊重「先來的」

【聯合報╱記者鄭惠仁/台南報導】 2011.11.22 02:16 am
台南市東區曼哈頓住宅大樓庭院內有九座墳墓,十二年來兩百多戶人家見怪不怪,住戶裡有醫師、律師、教授,小孩子拿博士、考上第一志願的人不少,住戶笑說「福地福人居」,與墓地同處,風水很不錯,住得很平安。 曼哈頓大樓附近早期有許多墳墓,廿多前都市計畫變更為住宅區,但墳墓遷移出現糾紛,有十一座墳墓未遷,形成大樓圍著墳墓興建情形。 大樓剛蓋好時,許多住戶希望墳墓趕快遷移,但一拖十多年,大家發現住得很平安,對庭院的墳墓已見怪不怪。 住戶竺之威住在一樓,從臥室窗戶看出去有兩座墳墓,「他們先來,我們後到,應該尊重先到的。」竺之威說,有座墳墓是清朝時期,應該有二、三百年,這幾年沒看到有後代來掃墓。 墳墓散在庭院內,起先沒有美化及掩飾,後來建設公司做庭園造景,將部分墳墓藏在假山中,另有墳墓被樹木遮住,走進庭園,若不仔細看,不容易發現有墳墓。 「很有趣吧!」住戶陳俊堯表示,這景象應是世界奇觀,大樓裡的住戶許多是白領階級,大家都住得很快樂也很安心。每座墳墓都整理得很乾淨,若死者地下有知,也應會高興,每年中元節管理委員會舉辦法會,「子孫那捨得遷移?」 竺之威說,有來買房子的人對大樓庭院裡有墳墓很忌諱,下了訂金,發現有墳墓,取消合約不買了;也有人利用「墳墓」殺價,希望房價降低些。 最有趣的是清明節,竺之威說,大樓住戶都出門掃墓,卻有外地人到大樓內掃墓,住在大樓裡就可看到掃墓畫面。 住戶們說,這麼多年大家都習慣了,已經沒有人提遷墓的事,因為大家都住得很平安,子女考上第一志願、明星高中的人多,風水很不錯!

陸婦腹部腫瘤 竟是44年前孿生兄弟

2011-11-23 新聞速報 【中廣新聞/中廣新聞】
住在大陸張家界市的一名今年四十四歲的婦女,因腹部不適就醫檢查,結果發現是一個5.3公斤的畸胎瘤,而這個畸胎並不是當事人本身所懷胎體,而是她在母親懷胎時孿生兄弟的胎體進入她的腹腔所致。 這名婦女原本診察是一個腫瘤,在進行剖腹手術時,醫護人員在切開腫瘤壁囊之後,裏面的情況使現場的所有醫務人員都嚇呆了。因為看到的是一個發育基本成型的死胎,這個死胎除了腦袋沒有發育之外,手、腳、身體軀幹、甚至是生殖器都發育成型了。從生殖器可辨別出死胎是一名男性。 醫生解釋說,這個病叫做「寄生胎畸胎瘤」,腫瘤的形成是患者和她的兄弟在母體內胎兒發育的過程中,另一胚胎也就是患者兄弟的胚胎進入患者腹腔所致。換句話說,患者腹腔內的死胎是她雙胞胎兄弟的胎體。

2011年9月17日 星期六

養肝丸 ●「 養肝」&「玩」



但是仔細想想,這兩件事其實也不是這麼衝突,而且似乎更應該揉合「在一起 在一起 在一起 在一起 在一起....」才對。第一,做設計為什麼要跟傷身綁在一起?不傷身設計就會差嗎?我想傷身最常的應該指的是熬夜。我並不確定熬夜是否一定傷身,但絕大多數的醫學理論與親身經歷,熬夜常常破壞身體的自我修補。我已中年,有時還是會熬夜,但我每每熬夜時都會自我訓誡自己,怎麼生活安排凸槌,導致這個欠佳的不得已結果,絕非帶著一絲一毫這是為藝術而犧牲的浪漫。設計的好壞與投入的時間當然息息相關,但是熬夜與否其實跟設計者的設計安排有絕大的關連,回顧自己的時間安排,其實很容易就發現時間的奢侈與浪費多在無意義的逃避裡。 養肝其實是好事,只是現在為時間的浪費揹黑鍋罷了。就我的觀點,豈止大肆要養肝,從大一新生開始就要養肝。大學時我的父母問我為什麼不早做設計非要拖到熬夜,我那時只覺得有苦難言,覺得他們不懂建築系的生存之道。但是現在我覺得設計相關系所同學更應該重視其他領域的觀點,其實設計不應該脫離他者而自處,而健康之道只是其中之一。尤其現在環保生態建築當道,若自我循環都忽略,也是另一種缺陷汙染不是嗎?

當然,另外一點就是「玩」了。當然要玩囉! 好不容易撐過那段被窒錮的三年,我想任誰都會想放縱一下。當然說白一點就是浪費青春,享受浪費奢華的感受。當人年輕時很難杜絕這種快感,就某種程度而言,也是一種智慧前身的累積吧!不過話說回來,該玩甚麼又玩到甚麼深度,其實又是一種人生的考驗。玩如果奠基在一種放縱的情緒裡是很可惜的,例如只因過去三年被監禁;玩其實應該更積極主動,挖掘自我興趣與世界其他新奇事物的關聯。或許聽起來不夠刺激,但真正的震撼留待大家各自追尋。


ideas about what living conditions we are dealing with


2011年9月15日 星期四


作者的個性往往隱身 而只剩作品
在很多的現實經驗裡 很差勁的人格也常常搭配非常「成功」的作品


2011年9月8日 星期四

social behaviors effect body fat

  • 2011-09-07

ring finger

The link between a man's ring finger and sex!


The form is not just apparent shapes ; on the contary, it is the realization of the whole mechanism.
The idea existed for years, not fading away but getting stronger...

The longer his finger, the higher his libido!
(info from rediff)

Here's advice for ladies who are really passionate about someone -- check his ring finger, as its length could be linked to his sex drive!

The longer the fourth finger compared to the second, known as the 2D:4D ratio, the more attractive he is likely to be to the opposite sex.

Over the years, the difference between the ring finger and the index finger has been linked to everything from health problems and sperm count to aggressive behaviour, sexual orientation and sports prowess.

Now, biologists at the University of Florida [ Images ] have discovered that male-female ring finger proportions are tied to sex hormones in the womb -- a finding that may offer health insights.

Their study explains for the first time why men's fourth fingers are usually longer than their index fingers, while for women it is the other way round.

Martin Cohn, PhD, and Zhengui Zheng, PhD, of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the department of molecular genetics and microbiology at the UF College of Medicine, found that the developing digits of male and female mouse embryos are packed with receptors for sex hormones.

Differences in how these hormones activate receptors in males and females affect the growth of specific digits.

By following the prenatal development of the limb buds of mice, which have a digit length ratio similar to humans, the scientists controlled the gene signalling effects of androgen -- also known as testosterone -- and estrogen.

The researchers found that while more androgen equated to a proportionally longer fourth digit, more estrogen resulted in a feminised appearance.

The study uncovered how these hormonal signals govern the rate at which skeletal precursor cells divide and showed that different finger bones have different levels of sensitivity to androgen and estrogen.

"The discovery that growth of the developing digits is controlled directly by androgen and estrogen receptor activity confirms that finger proportions are a lifelong signature of our early hormonal milieu," said Cohn.

The findings appear in this week's Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Photograph: Leon Brocard on Flickr/Wikimedia Commons

Penis size, sex drive tied to men's finger length: Why?
(info from CBS NEWS)

(CBS) Women often glance at men's ring fingers to tell if they're married. But in addition to marital status, scientists say a man's ring finger can reveal his sexual orientation, libido level, penis size, and even risk for certain diseases like prostate cancer.

Penis size linked to finger measurements, say Korean scientists

And now scientists say they know why.

A new study reported sex hormone exposure in the womb determines finger length, and this finding could offer insights into the origin of other behaviors and diseases.

For the study - published in this week's issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - researchers studied digit length in mice, which are considered to have similar digit ratios as human males and females. When researchers exposed the mouse embryo to more male hormones, the mouse had a proportionally longer fourth digit. More estrogen resulted in a more female-looking mouse, and smaller fourth digit.

"When they added testosterone they got super male ratios, and when they added estrogen, super female ratios," Dr. John T. Manning, evolutionary psychologist at Swansea University in England, who was not involved in this study, said in a written statement. "And they've provided us with a list of 19 genes that are sensitive to prenatal testosterone and prenatal estrogen."

Some of the 19 genes may help scientists discover the origin of certain behaviors and diseases, and may help doctors find new treatments for diseases like ALS and prostate cancer, which have been linked to finger length.

Said Manning, "We can now be more focused in our examination of the links between digit ratio and sex-dependent behaviors, diseases of the immune system, cardiovascular disorders and a number of cancers."

Sex ID

(info from BBC Science)

It's thought that testosterone plays an important role in the way we think and behave. Many of the questions in the Sex ID experiment were related to theories about testosterone.

The Sex ID test was originally an online experiment. We've stopped collecting data now and many of the questions have been removed from the test, but we've kept the fun stuff!

Read about the experiment

Take the test

The role of testosterone

Testosterone is a male sex hormone required for sperm production, the development of male reproductive organs and the emergence of secondary male sexual characteristics such as facial hair, a deeper voice and muscles.

In men testosterone is produced in the testes and adrenal glands.

Testosterone is also produced in women's ovaries and adrenal glands. Little is known about the exact role of testosterone in women, but scientists believe it helps maintain muscle and bone strength and contributes to sex drive or libido.

On average, men produce between 4 and 10mg of the hormone per day and overall they have about 20 times more testosterone than women.

Testosterone and digit ratio

In the Sex ID test we asked people about their index and ring finger measurements. Some scientists believe that the ratio of index finger length to ring finger length indicates how much testosterone we were exposed to in our mother's womb.

Higher testosterone exposure is thought to lead to a longer ring finger. This is determined as early as 14 weeks into a pregnancy.

On average, women's index and ring fingers are almost equal in length because they are exposed to less testosterone. In men, the ring finger tends to be longer because they have higher testosterone levels. In general, women exposed to more testosterone have more 'masculine hands' – ie longer ring fingers.

Testosterone and birth order

When the Sex ID test was an online psychology experiment, we asked people about their siblings in order to investigate the theory that pre-natal testosterone exposure changes systematically every time a woman gives birth to a male child. The scientists who designed the survey will compare the number of older brothers a test taker has with their finger measurements to see if there is any correlation.

Testosterone and assertiveness

In the Sex ID ultimatum task people were asked to decide how they would split £50 between themselves and a stranger. Scientists want to find out if there is a relationship between testosterone levels and assertiveness.

It is assumed that people with higher testosterone levels would drive a harder bargain and be less compromising. Research into the effects of testosterone and competitive behaviour suggests that testosterone increases competitiveness and risk taking.

Interestingly, some studies show that testosterone levels in women change according to the status of their occupations.

2011年1月13日 星期四

responsive bio-mimetic tutorial

2 weeks ago, i had a conversation with my students talking about our final review's goal. along the hard working of this semester, we tried to articulate a view point about a responsive pattern, which is based on the mechanism of the target bio-creature each group is being asked to research. and then the knowledge is materialized into a proto-device, a mimetic prototype. the step followiong is the mutation of its variation and composition of its pattern. the final step is the artificial life formulation wuth the help of arduino and sensor to create a responsive pattern.

flowing rain trace as an adjustable formation

i took a bus the other day. it was raining and freezing in taipei. i looked outside through the window to see the cityscape. to some degree, a bus window is an excellent observing tool to experience the city life and culture. due to the rain fall and the uneven bus roof, so there came a continuing little "river" flowing vertically passing on the window surface. i am so attractive to this tiny urban spectacle, more charming than the taipei 101 fire work at the new year eve, that i was suddenly isolated from the other city events and focused on the changeable water trace i was witnessing. what is more graceful and astonishing is the story the rain and bus scriped together, sharing the same key structure to the generation of animated forms, vivid forms, or the forms with life. from an embryo in a womb to the landscape of earth, from the baking bread in the oven to the rushing stream of the boiled water demostrates the process of form making and its moveable nature in form. i have to say it is a tiny opening ocasionally happening in daily life, but also a deep insight that sees through the apprearance of the enormous structure that functions steadily in the universe.