2008年3月15日 星期六

Speed Shifting Scale

I took a computer course the other day about the microcontroller. During the class we experimented how to control the led lights by writing some simple scripts. There are 8 led lights programmed together for various performances. In one test run, the lights are supposed to turn on one by one in order, but its outcome seems to be turning on in the same time. The reason for that error is the speed of the electric flow in that circuit is too fast which makes an illusion to our eyes. They were really turned on and off one by one in turn but in a very fast speed, 0.000001 second per cycle. That is the trick!!

Several months ago, I took the Taiwan High Speed Rail to Tainan CKU to give a speech about my new book, Responsive Volatility. When the train were about to departure in the Taipei Station, five women caught up with the train in the last moment. It is easy to tell that they are "different" among most of the passengers in the car by their appearences. They are all in fashion brand dresses, nice shoes, shining jewelries. They chatted noisily and I reluctantly overheard their conversation a little and found that they are wives of doctors in Taichung, a city in middle Taiwan, 2hr car drive southern from Taipei, and they were up to Taipei for shopping that morning and now on this train going back to school in Taichung to pick up their children on time. The high spped rail now saves more than a half travel time from Taipei to Taichung which makes me confronted this real incident. I realized that the speed really changes the way people live though in this case only for the rich.

Speed shifts the scale and the contents, configurations....
