2013年1月10日 星期四

地瓜飯 rice with yam

My father told me that he hates eating yam cos he ate a lot due to lack of rice during the WW II. Quite the opposite, My mother used to love yam as snacks. As for myself, I don't have any special taste to like or dislike it. Most of the time, I have them as snacks or with porridge as most Taiwanese does.

Recently, when cooking the rice, I put some yam inside inside the pot together. Surprisingly its taste is so lovely that keeps me doing this. I can taste the carbohydrate of the rice clearly by chewing it with a longer time. Usually the rice loses its flavor when it comes with other dishes, especially with the strong-tasted food. Besides, the yam provides an interesting sense of chewing which multiples the layers of softness and stickiness other than the rice.

It is a life style which is deeply rooted in the orientation wisdom. The more yam rice I cook and eat in the process of appreciation towards the life, the more philosophical seed is incubated in my mind. Simple is great, not as a taste but a real life practicing.
