2008年3月26日 星期三
Live Comedy Club in MingChuan
I invited Social, the host of Live Comedy Club Taipei, to give a speech to the students in the architectural department of MingChuan University. The idea of having Social as a guest speaker was decided in the end of last semester when Miss Wang, the speech organizer of the student council, asked for my advices to suggest some suitable options. The reason for having Social is simplily based on his personal characteristics and his attitude towards life.
Besides the paradigms directly related to the architecture are inevitably inclusive in the speech program, I think it is also necessary for students to open an opportunity to those subjects which are directly related to the way of life. Learning how to deal with its own life means how to handle its own design projects. It is a crucial test to see if one is mature or not. Moreover, the artistic accomplishments are also the consequences of the way one entails.
Social's speech is on several levels. He talked about his creation turnings as a main line from his college days till now chronologically which also relates to the social shifts happened in the last 20 years in Taiwan. The story itself reveals how the creator deals with the macro environment by adjusting the way he creates his works. It is a practical wisdom rooted in the earth.
The other part he emphasized on is his newly opened, though nine months old now, comedy club near師大, and also introduced the top 5 characteristics of the shows on running so far and other interesting parts. He showed several live recording vedios and, trust me, it is really entertaining !! Students were laughing!!
It is fun!
Cheers! Social!
【轉貼】紫斑蝶成河 每分鐘千隻狂舞


(上圖)紫斑蝶 大遷徙 ▲氣溫回暖,躲入深山避冬的紫斑蝶,這幾天開始大遷徙,1分鐘上千隻蝴蝶掠過天空,相當壯觀。 (中央社)
中國時報 2008.03.26
紫斑蝶成河 每分鐘千隻狂舞
蝶迷欣喜追賞 搶拍珍貴鏡頭
高公局緊急封路 籲搭車觀蝶
蝶迷欣喜追賞 搶拍珍貴鏡頭
高公局緊急封路 籲搭車觀蝶
【轉貼中國時報 2008.03.26】
春分賞蝶佳 坪頂最佳觀賞點
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2008年3月24日 星期一
【轉貼】城市英雄/對抗毒蟲遊民 酒吧老闆自製機器戰警機器人Bum-bot

好萊塢電影裡的機器戰警打擊罪犯不遺餘力,現在美國喬治亞州亞特蘭大市也出現了一具專門驅離遊民和毒販的機器人Bum-bot ,而且成效相當不錯。
這具被泰瑞爾稱為Bum Bot2000 的機器人(見圖,取自網路)其實只是把一台煙燻烤肉車安裝在二手的電動代步車上,裡面再裝上紅外線攝影機、兩百萬燭光的探照燈、擴音器,以及能夠噴出冰水、射程長達六公尺的強力噴水裝置。透過遙控裝置,泰瑞爾可坐在酒吧裡利用無線電喇叭,告訴停車場裡的不速之客,「這是私有土地,你們最好趕快離開」,否則就等著被淋成落湯雞,或被攝影機錄下尊容。
這具被泰瑞爾稱為Bum Bot2000 的機器人(見圖,取自網路)其實只是把一台煙燻烤肉車安裝在二手的電動代步車上,裡面再裝上紅外線攝影機、兩百萬燭光的探照燈、擴音器,以及能夠噴出冰水、射程長達六公尺的強力噴水裝置。透過遙控裝置,泰瑞爾可坐在酒吧裡利用無線電喇叭,告訴停車場裡的不速之客,「這是私有土地,你們最好趕快離開」,否則就等著被淋成落湯雞,或被攝影機錄下尊容。
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2008年3月23日 星期日
【轉貼】地球第一場性愛 5.7億年化石見證 When the earth first moved: Fossil was first animal to have sex 570million years ago


Funisia dorothea素描假想圖 (上圖) ; Sketch: How the rope-like creatures would look (top)
Funisia dorothea化石 (下圖) ; Fossil love: The funisia dorothea is thought to be the first creature to have sex 570m years ago (bottom)
科學家最近在澳洲發現曾存活在距今至少5.7億年前的新物種化石標本,見證地球第一場動物性愛。這種管狀生物稱為「弗尼瑟.多蘿西」(Funisia dorothea,見上圖,下圖為素描假想圖,取自每日郵報網站),會成群地將自己固定在砂質淺灘的海床上,當初的棲息地現在已成為澳洲內陸。
研究人員認為,Funisia dorothea應該是地球第一種進行有性繁殖的動物,將地球的生物性愛史往前推了約3000萬年。
英國每日郵報報導, 距今5.7億年前,這種細長管狀生物已經在海洋中生存,據信牠們是以和珊瑚及海綿類似的方法繁殖。科學家認為,Funisia dorothea具有性繁殖的能力,因為化石標本是以群體的形式被發現,而且這群生物年齡相仿,而群聚生長的方式,讓牠們浮在水中的卵子和精子可以安全結合。
精卵結合 近似珊瑚繁殖
Funisia dorothea是負責這次化石挖掘的古生物學者瑪麗.卓瑟根據她母親的姓名來命名。
任教於美國加州大學河濱分校的卓瑟及同僚在「科學」期刊(Science)的報告中指出,由於沒有以Funisia dorothea為食的天敵,牠們的生活平和,有時進行有性生殖,有時則以出芽生殖等方式進行無性生殖。
Funisia dorothea可以長到約30公分,彈性的軀體能隨著海洋潮浪彎曲。由於牠們在幼體或受精卵階段附著於海床上,就無法尋覓交配伴侶,可能因此演化出與現代的珊瑚、海綿類似的繁殖方式。
研究人員認為,Funisia dorothea應該是地球第一種進行有性繁殖的動物,將地球的生物性愛史往前推了約3000萬年。
英國每日郵報報導, 距今5.7億年前,這種細長管狀生物已經在海洋中生存,據信牠們是以和珊瑚及海綿類似的方法繁殖。科學家認為,Funisia dorothea具有性繁殖的能力,因為化石標本是以群體的形式被發現,而且這群生物年齡相仿,而群聚生長的方式,讓牠們浮在水中的卵子和精子可以安全結合。
精卵結合 近似珊瑚繁殖
Funisia dorothea是負責這次化石挖掘的古生物學者瑪麗.卓瑟根據她母親的姓名來命名。
任教於美國加州大學河濱分校的卓瑟及同僚在「科學」期刊(Science)的報告中指出,由於沒有以Funisia dorothea為食的天敵,牠們的生活平和,有時進行有性生殖,有時則以出芽生殖等方式進行無性生殖。
Funisia dorothea可以長到約30公分,彈性的軀體能隨著海洋潮浪彎曲。由於牠們在幼體或受精卵階段附著於海床上,就無法尋覓交配伴侶,可能因此演化出與現代的珊瑚、海綿類似的繁殖方式。
When the earth first moved: Fossil was first animal to have sex 570million years ago
(News from Daily Mail) By CAROLINE GRANT Last updated at 16:20pm on 21st March 2008
It may be more than 570million years old and look like a knobbly rope, but scientist believe they have discovered the first animal on earth ever to have sex.
The fossilised remains of this new species of organism was unearthed in Australia where the tube-like creatures lived in abundant flocks.
The discovery of the animal, called Funisia dorothea, has put the history of sex back by about 30million years and set the scientific world into a frenzy.
It is thought that the sex lives of the long thin creature would be similar to corals and sponges.
Researchers came to the conclusion that the mysterious animals were sexually active because the fossil specimens were found in groups that all seemed to be of the same age.
Nothing appears to have evolved to eat them, so they lived peaceful lives, reproducing sexually at times and by asexual methods such as budding at other times, Mary Droser of the University of California Riverside and colleagues reported in the journal Science.
The remains of organisms were found in the Australian outback that would have once been a shallow, sandy seabed.
Scientists believe that sex for the creatures would have been functional rather than social.
Professor Droser said: "I think they would have been way too basic to have enjoyed sex.
"I don't think they would wind around each other. But I could be wrong - I would like to think they enjoyed it."
Professor Droser added: "They were complicated enough to have different modes of reproduction and a fairly complex ecosystem in general."
They lived in dense groups of similar size and aged animals, like mussels and oysters do.
"It is common modern ecological strategy, and these guys were doing it in the earliest animal ecosystems on this planet," she said.
"We think of these strategies as having been in response to competition and in response to predation."
Dense clusters, such as the ones these animals lived in, allow eggs and sperm floated in the water to meet up safely.
"They would have been hitting you mid-calf as you walked in these very dense clusters," said Professor Droser.
"Almost always, organisms that do this do it as a result of sexual reproduction."
Multicellular animal life is believed to have arisen around 600 million years ago.
The Funisia dorothea would have thrived in the Neoproterozoic era, which ended about 540million years ago and lasted for about 100million years.
They would have grown to about 30cm long and been flexible enough to bend with the currents and tides of the sea.
Once they had rooted themselves to the seabed as larva or a fertilised egg they would have been stuck in one place and unable to search for mates.
Professor Droser added: "In Funisia, we are very likely seeing sexual reproduction in Earth's early ecosystem - possibly the very first instance of sexual reproduction in animals on our planet."
Funisia dorothea's name comes from the word for rope in Latin and dorothea after Dorothy, Droser's mother.
2008年3月15日 星期六
雙語 Bilingual

我想中英文混著記錄會是件有趣的事,therefore我想大聲說「中文外的世界,here I come!」
Speed Shifting Scale

I took a computer course the other day about the microcontroller. During the class we experimented how to control the led lights by writing some simple scripts. There are 8 led lights programmed together for various performances. In one test run, the lights are supposed to turn on one by one in order, but its outcome seems to be turning on in the same time. The reason for that error is the speed of the electric flow in that circuit is too fast which makes an illusion to our eyes. They were really turned on and off one by one in turn but in a very fast speed, 0.000001 second per cycle. That is the trick!!
Several months ago, I took the Taiwan High Speed Rail to Tainan CKU to give a speech about my new book, Responsive Volatility. When the train were about to departure in the Taipei Station, five women caught up with the train in the last moment. It is easy to tell that they are "different" among most of the passengers in the car by their appearences. They are all in fashion brand dresses, nice shoes, shining jewelries. They chatted noisily and I reluctantly overheard their conversation a little and found that they are wives of doctors in Taichung, a city in middle Taiwan, 2hr car drive southern from Taipei, and they were up to Taipei for shopping that morning and now on this train going back to school in Taichung to pick up their children on time. The high spped rail now saves more than a half travel time from Taipei to Taichung which makes me confronted this real incident. I realized that the speed really changes the way people live though in this case only for the rich.
Speed shifts the scale and the contents, configurations....
2008年3月14日 星期五
【轉貼】英研發變形金剛 真實版來了

【聯合報╱編譯田思怡/報導】2008.03.14 03:47 am
【News From Daily Mail】
Real-life Transformers: Shape-changing robots could help save livesBy DAVID DERBYSHIRE
It sounds like something straight from a children's comic.
But British scientists will today take the first steps in an astonishing project to create the first real-life Transformers - the science fiction robots which can change shape at will.
The £4.6million experiment will attempt to build swarms of tiny robots, each the size of a sugar cube, that move around on their own and connect together to form larger, intelligent machines.
Researchers say the first swarm of autonomous, intelligent, shape-changing robots could be in use within five years.
"They could be used in medicine, in space exploration and in search and rescue missions," said a spokesman for scientists at the University of the West of England in Bristol and the University of York.
"You can imagine dropping hundreds of these small robots into a crevice after a building has collapsed. They would find each other and maybe connect together to form a snake-shaped object that could wriggle through the wreckage.
"Then they could re-form into a spider to climb over a wall - or a robot with an arm that could lift rubble away. The possibilities are endless."
Each robot would have wheels or tentacles, allowing it to move around independently.
It would contain a small computer brain, making it as intelligent as an iPod or iPhone, and use infra-red to find other cubes.
Once connected, the cubes would be able to share energy and computing power, creating a machine with the intelligence of a computer laptop.
The scientists have yet to work out how the swarms would connect together. But their connections would need to double up as joints, so that the resulting larger machine could move around.
The Symbrion project, announced to mark National Science and Engineering Week, is funded by the EU.
The robots will also be able to manage their own hardware and software and will be "self-healing and selforganising", the researchers say.
Professor Alan Winfield, of the University of the West of England, denied that they could pose a threat to humans.
"The robots have functionality on their own, but they can also combine together or adapt and change as the situation requires," he said.
"The individual robots won't change physically, but they will adapt and evolve their functionality.
"Once the robots come together they will be more versatile - like a colony of cells such as those found in a jelly fish or a sponge.
"The different robots will co-operate to create the larger organism. In a sponge even if there is damage to some parts, the overall organism still survives.
"In this way the artificial robotic organisms might in theory become self-configuring, self-healing and self-optimising from both hardware and software perspectives."
The project has echoes of last year's Transformers film in which alien robots trapped on Earth disguise themselves as cars, motorbikes and lorries to wage war on each other.
2008年3月2日 星期日
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