2011年1月13日 星期四

responsive bio-mimetic tutorial

2 weeks ago, i had a conversation with my students talking about our final review's goal. along the hard working of this semester, we tried to articulate a view point about a responsive pattern, which is based on the mechanism of the target bio-creature each group is being asked to research. and then the knowledge is materialized into a proto-device, a mimetic prototype. the step followiong is the mutation of its variation and composition of its pattern. the final step is the artificial life formulation wuth the help of arduino and sensor to create a responsive pattern.

flowing rain trace as an adjustable formation

i took a bus the other day. it was raining and freezing in taipei. i looked outside through the window to see the cityscape. to some degree, a bus window is an excellent observing tool to experience the city life and culture. due to the rain fall and the uneven bus roof, so there came a continuing little "river" flowing vertically passing on the window surface. i am so attractive to this tiny urban spectacle, more charming than the taipei 101 fire work at the new year eve, that i was suddenly isolated from the other city events and focused on the changeable water trace i was witnessing. what is more graceful and astonishing is the story the rain and bus scriped together, sharing the same key structure to the generation of animated forms, vivid forms, or the forms with life. from an embryo in a womb to the landscape of earth, from the baking bread in the oven to the rushing stream of the boiled water demostrates the process of form making and its moveable nature in form. i have to say it is a tiny opening ocasionally happening in daily life, but also a deep insight that sees through the apprearance of the enormous structure that functions steadily in the universe.