2013年1月1日 星期二

movie: 건축학개론 (introduction to architecture)

Spending a leisure time during the new year's holiday seeing the korean movie "introduction to architecture", it brought me lots of memories in college. As an architecture student in school, it is true that girls like boys with artistic spirits, especially in those pure ideal dreams. However, more or less in reality, the more artistic a man keeps since the wild young age, the less smooth for him to fit into the money system. But the movie is easy and lovely for the old days and the new ones not yet coming.

插曲:youtube上有偶像團體super junior圭賢演唱該曲的影片,聽完後我只能說「Wow!」,韓國的偶像團體真不是蓋的,還蠻會唱的~~,聲音很真誠ㄟ,打破偶像無才的偏見。
